Leaving the morning circus of Gaya behind us, we hit the road for serene Bodygaya which was a 30 minute rikshaw ride away.
After a short stand off between the rikshaw driver, he finally broke my 100 rupees note and we made our way in to Mohammad’s Guesthouse.

Mohammad’s House is located in a wonderful little village with cheap rooms, a kitchen, a roof top terrace and lovely views of the sunset. Highly recommended.

After a quick shower and chai, we set off in to the hot hot mid day sun in search for the Mahabodhi Temple. The facade on the spire of the temple was certainly different to anything else I’ve seen before, looking somewhat futuristic and sci-fi in design.

The Buddha trail continued, this time with 4 men on 1 motorbike, riding 12km north east of Bodhgaya to the Dungeshwari Cave, where Buddha spent 6 years of penance before descending on Bodhgaya.
It was a lovely motorbike journey, albeit a little tight on space, through little villages, dried river beds and lots of wide open space.
Onwards to Varanasi.
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